The Self-Care Journey of empowered consumers in the era of technology and wellbeing revolution
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Συντονιστής: Γιώργος Αλεβιζόπουλος
- Selfcare: untapped resource in healthcare
Jurate Švarcaite - The rising Consumer Health Care role in the global scenery
Birgit Schuhbauer - Self-care: A pillar of Growth in the Greek reality
Δημήτρης Μωραΐτης - Potential socio-economic benefits of enriching the OTC list according to the European standard in Greece
Κώστας Αθανασάκης - The Pharmacist at the Heart of Self-care as the first Health Consultant
Θάνος Λυκούδης - The emerging role of the Influencer fueling the chain with “genuine consumer feedback”
Κατερίνα Γκαγκάκη